Sunday, April 19, 2020

Naadac Code of Ethics free essay sample

After reading the NAADAC Code of Ethics I have come to realize how any violation of them could impact either a client or the Human Services Profession as a whole. Any profession, such as the Human Services, that has the capacity to do so much good for an individual also has the same capacity to do them harm. In order to prevent such harm a code of ethics must be created and followed by everyone in that profession. The NAADAC Code of Ethics consists of nine principles. These principles, though few in number, are powerful in content. They help guide and maintain a helpful relationship with our clients and prevent a hurtful one. Some of the challenges I foresee having with NAADAC’s Code of Ethics will be easier to deal with than others. Principle 2 talks about client welfare. It states, â€Å"I shall not do for others what they can readily do for themselves but rather, facilitate and support the doing. We will write a custom essay sample on Naadac Code of Ethics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † In the past I have often found myself â€Å"helping† others in a way that I will have to watch out for. I have a tendency to catch myself doing for others and not realizing that that’s not helping but doing. I understand the basis behind letting the clients do for themselves. A sense of accomplishment and control are necessary to a clients well being. Doing for a client what they can do for themselves is not helpful at all. Dual Relationships, as described in Principle 7, seems to me to be the biggest issue a helping professional is faced with on a continuous basis. Although I feel that I will not have a huge problem in this area, I know that this issue requires constant and diligent awareness. In order to maintain a professional and helping relationship with a client certain lines must be drawn. Even though we are human and imperfect, we must maintain a professional relationship with our clients and never exploit the obvious power differential that exists between us for personal gain. To do so would undermine the entire profession, our agencies, and the relationships we have with our clients. The only other principle I see that may be an issue for some people is number 8. Principle 8 covers the reporting of individuals that may be an actual or likely source of harm to clients, colleagues, institutions, or the profession. Personally, I can understand why this would be a difficult subject. Reporting someone to the authorities for the sake of preventing harm to themselves or others, however difficult, is the right thing to do. Some would call it â€Å"narking†, â€Å"snitching†, or â€Å"ratting† someone out, but in the helping profession to do otherwise would be a failure on our part to do just that†¦. help. I chose this field of study to help others the way that I have been helped and to give back to the world what has so freely been given to me and I gladly accept NAADAC’s Code of Ethics. When we enter this profession we are given great power and with great power comes great responsibility.

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