Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marketing Mix Management Ttheoretical Framework †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Mix Management Ttheoretical Framework. Answer: Introduction The Coca-Cola Company is currently the leading foods and Beverage Company in the world basing this ranking from revenue. The organization has managed to maintain this position for a long time, mainly because of its highly appropriate and beneficial operations in the nation. One major challenge that the organization faces in its operations and with its products is caused by the main health issue of obesity that significantly impacts the United States. This challenge occurs because some of the products of the organizations have a high content of calories, which make them significantly inappropriate and less preferred by many individuals. Due to this reason, the Coca-Cola Company recently responded by establishing the Coke Zero product, which is a refreshment drink that is created with products that have significantly less calorie content. The organization has also recently announced its plans of changing the product and replacing it with the new Coca-Cola Zero sugar brand. The paper an alyses the marketing strategies that the Coca-Cola Company has put in place, to market its new product and explain the rationale for replacing its previous coke zero product (Kumar, 2008). The Coca-Cola Zero Sugar product is one of the most recent Coca-Cola company brands to be introduced in the market. The drink is a replacement of the recently famous coke zero brands that were initially sold to the targeted group of individuals. The Coca-Cola Company recently explained that the drink is created with similar ingredients but has increased a sweetened flavor without any sugar in it. The company also ensured that it incorporated the Coca-Cola taste in the drink thus ensuring that all individuals obtained the product. Currently, this product can be purchased from the majority of the Coca-Cola stores within the United States, and it will be available for all individuals in shops after successful distribution of the drink takes place (Codita, 2010). The Coca-Cola Company Business Environment The Coca-Cola Company is as explained earlier the leading organization regarding revenue in the whole world. This makes the organization placed in an appropriate position within the market, beginning from the organizations market share to the number of markets where it has managed to expand and offer its products in. Due to this reason, the organization has an appropriate and good business operating environment. It, however, faces the threat of another significantly large organization in this category, which is also the second largest in the industry. This organization is known as the PepsiCo Company. The organization also targets similar customers to the ones that the Coca-Cola company targets and thus for that reason, there is a stiff competition between these two major organizations. Apart from PepsiCo, the organization also face competition from other local beverage organizations in the markets where it has expanded its operations. These are the organizations that produce local d rinks to the local people, and thus instead of customers purchasing products from the organization, they consider making the local company purchases. With this regard, therefore competition by these organizations is also a significant factor that helps to establish an environment for the organization (Coca-Cola Journey, 2017). The Main Target Market for the Company is the individuals that are significantly concerned about the content of calories that they take into their bodies through the foods and drinks that they consume on a daily basis. Calories have led to a large number of individuals attaining the condition of obesity, especially in the United States where the number of individuals with the condition and those at risk of this condition is significantly high. Due to this reason, many individuals have attained the concern of some calories that they consume in their bodies, an aspect that can be utilized to prevent them from obtaining this condition. These are the individuals that seek drinks with significantly fewer amounts of calories to refresh themselves with. It is for these individuals that the Coca-Cola Company obtained the need to develop and offer the Coca-Cola zero sugar product in the market. These individuals are thus the main target market for this product (Coca-Cola, 2017). Marketing Mix theory Explanation The marketing mix is the model through which many organizations utilize to market their products and enhance success in their marketing strategies. The marketing mix model has four main contents which include the product, the price, promotion, and placement. The product of concern is the new Coca-Cola Zero Sugar product offered by the Coca-Cola Company. This product has some basic benefits which are the main reason why it is more preferred over other products. The first benefit is the fact that it provides refreshments to individuals that take it. It also has the pleasant taste of Coca-Cola drinks which is the taste that majority of the individuals seek to obtain. The drink also does not contain calories thus making it one of the healthiest drinks that also refresh people. It currently appears in red icon Coca-Cola branded bottles, an aspect that helps people associate the drink with the Coca-Cola brand easily. It is packaged in bottles and content of different millimeters like all other Coca-Cola products. Being a beverage product, there are no warranty aspects or after sale services. The organization however accept any criticism or customer feedback on aspects like tastes and preferences. This product is of the narrow drinking class, since it helps to satisfy the need for people refreshments. Since the product was recently introduced into the market, I consider its life cycle to be at the initial stage. This implies that in this stage, marketing strategies should be intensified. The organization has utilized a branding strategy of describing the product contents to the consumers and also associating the brand to the general Coca-Cola brand that is well known by the organizational customers. The Coca-Cola Zero Sugar product is similarly priced like its previous brand, Coke Zero. The price of this brand has for some time been considered much better compared to the prices of other health drinks which are much higher. This aspect places the drink in much better position in the market compared to the brands of competitor organizations. From the prices that were initially established for this product, it appears to have had a pricing objective of being the best-priced drink whose ingredients are completely healthy. Price elasticity aspect for this product have not yet been introduced in the market since it was recently introduced. Factors that however appear to influence its price include the cost of production and the prices of competitor drinks. Promotion is the other important aspect of marketing that the Coca-Cola Company has completely established in its marketing strategy. The organization has utilized the promotion strategies of making the drink available to many individuals at half price, to give them a chance of testing this new brand. The message conveyed is completely effective, since a large number of individuals have already obtained the news about the new brand and its intended additional benefit, is the reason why they should purchase the same (Summers, Smith, 2014). For the advert provided in the appendices section, the organization has managed to provide a clear explanation of the Coca-Cola new brand by using the creative strategy of general description and relating the product to the already known and market accepted brands of the organization. In terms of applying the hierarchy of effects model, the message is completely effective since it has been organized in an appropriate way and communicates the intend ed message clearly and appropriately (Zyman, 2000). The placement utilized for this product involves aspects of making sure that all individuals manage to obtain it from any location that they may be in. the marketing for the product is through both direct and indirect channels. To begin with, the organization markets its product through the stores that it owns and also utilized the general methods like the internet to make a general marketing of the same. The advert provided is a good evidence to the channels utilized. If channel intermediaries were used, the organization would utilize the merchant wholesalers since they can distribute the product easily to many other regions. The organization is likely to utilize a distribution strategy of moving the drink from the main manufacturing point to other regions through the utilization of mediums like the organizational transportation trucks which move the drinks from the main manufacturing places to the main storage units, and then from those units to the organizational stores. The organ ization is also likely to offer the product for retail (Richter, 2012). The organization can make certain improvements by utilizing other improvement strategies which might be highly beneficial. The first strategy is establishing a promotion program that will give free drinks for all individuals who provide a good and correct description of how the product appears and tastes. This will encourage many individuals to purchase the new drink first and then communicate more about it as they make descriptions. The other recommendation is organizing an organizational forum to address a social issue and then name that forum after the new brand. In the forum, the organization will obtain a chance to explain about its new product and offer it to the crowd for testing. This strategy will help the society and at the same time provide awareness of the availability of this new drink (Zimuto, 2012). Conclusion The Coca-Cola Company has managed to achieve significant success in the majority of the products that it has introduced in the market. Its recent introduction of the Coca-Cola Zero sugar product is also a positively received advancement of the organization which is likely to manage to attain success like all other brands. One of the main reasons why the organization has managed to obtain success is its marketing strategies, which ensure that all individuals manage to obtain an understanding of the product and the benefits that it offers into the market. The company is thus likely to obtain success in the introduction of this product into the market. Implementation of more innovative strategies like promotions that invite people to offer descriptions of the new product could, however, increase the success that the organization is likely to obtain (Dewey, 2017). References Coca-Cola Journey, 2017. Whats The Difference between Coke Zero and Coca-Cola Zero Sugar: Coca-Cola Journey. Retrieved from https://www.coca-colacompany.com/coca-cola-unbottled/what_s-the-difference-between-coke-zero-and-coca-cola--zero-suga Coca-Cola, 2017. Coca-Cola Zero Sugar ingredients: The Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved from https://www.coca-colaproductfacts.com/en/products/coca-cola-zero-sugar/ Dewey, C. 2017. Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, Cokes hot new soda, isnt actually that new at all: The Washington post. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/07/26/coca-cola-zero-sugar-cokes-hot-new-soda-isnt-actually-that-new-at-all/?utm_term=.8812e4c7ff58 Summers, J. Smith, B. 2014.Communication skills handbook. Milton, Qld: John Wiley and Sons Australia, Ltd. Codita, R. 2010.Contingency factors of marketing-mix standardization : German consumer goods companies in Central and Eastern Europe. Wiesbaden: Gabler. Kumar, S. 2008.Conceptual issues in consumer behaviour : the Indian context. Delhi: Pearson Education. Richter, T. 2012.International marketing mix management theoretical framework, contingency factors and empirical findings from world-markets. Berlin: Logos-Verl. Zimuto, J. 2012.The effectiveness of marketing mix elements Product, price, place and promotion on retail shops performance in Zimbabwe. Saarbru?cken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Morgan, M. Summers, J. (2005). 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